Buying a hot tub – Tips and information, Uncategorized

Indoor hot tub vs. outdoor hot tub

Among the many decisions you have to make when choosing a hot tub is whether to place it indoors or outdoors. A lot of would-be hot tub owners think this is a pretty easy decision and purely one of personal preference. However, it’s easy to overlook considerations that could impact heavily on your choice about where to place that new spa.

Frequency of Use

A big consideration is how often you plan to use your hot tub. If you suspect it will be frequent (daily or every other day), an indoor spa may be the better choice. An outdoor hot tub puts you outside in all weathers, of course, so it tends to be problematic if you’re the sort of person who likes to stick to a regular schedule. As we all know, Mother Nature keeps her own counsel! An indoor hot tub eliminates this variable completely.

Structural Alterations

An outdoor hot tub is obviously an open air arrangement. The only alterations to your property will involve digging a hole for a permanent in-ground spa and, possibly, adding electrical power connections nearby. The situation is vastly more complicated with indoor hot tubs. Spas put out a lot of humidity and heat. You’ll need a room that has special ventilation to dissipate the heat and humidity to avoid damaging the walls, flooring, ceiling, and furniture. An indoor spa may also require structural support in addition to the existing arrangments. A full hot tub can weigh more than 2½ tons, after all. These added costs can quickly drive your final price tag to stomach-churning heights. Finally, people exiting an indoor hot tub may not always be very conscientious about drying off thoroughly before traipsing through the rest of your house (kids are notorious culprits here). With an outdoor hot tub, this is much more easily controlled, and mistakes are not nearly so likely to wreak havoc inside your home.

Planning your hot tub project

Need help getting started with planning your dream hot tub project? Start with configurating some hot tubs with pricing to decide what works best for you.  Tip: Hit ‘Request shipping quote’ on the configuration page for best pricing including delivery.

Want your own hot tub?

Take a look at our models and sizes to pick the setup that works best for you!